This article, published in the Capital Journal December 31, 1954, appeared in the midst of spring cleaning today.

The Salem school district completed buildings that cost in excess of $4,000,000 during 1954, let the contract for another that will involve some $250,000 and authorized architects to draw plans for still another.

One elementary school (Grant) scheduled to be completed late this year, will not be opened until early February because of a delay in securing materials.

Buildings completed and occupied during the year were the new South Salem high school and the school administration offices.  With the opening of the South Salem structure, the district graduated into a two high school organization, with each having an enrollment of 1000.

Ground breaking for the new Auburn grade building of some eight class rooms took place just before the Christmas holidays.  It is scheduled to be ready for occupancy next September.

An elementary school building in the Candalaria district will be the next project of the administration.  A site for this structure has been secured.

It is no secret that construction of a third junior high building has been given consideration by Supt. Walter Snyder and the school directors.

In the parochial division of education, the Franciscan Fathers, a Catholic order, established Serra high school on a tract of land just east of Salem.  The building, a modern structure, is the first unit of a development that is expected to grow to considerable magnitude during the next few years.