by Richard van Pelt, WWI Correspondent

Austria-Hungary convened a Council of Minister, including Ministers for Foreign Affairs and War, the chief of the General Staff and Naval Commander-in Chief. With Austria-Hungary, assured of German support, most of the Austrian Council of Ministers supports a war with Serbia despite possible Russian intervention. Tezla, the Prime Minister of Hungary, opposed discussions that could lead to war.

In Germany, Chancellor Bethmann comments that “An action against Serbia can lead to world war.”

In Salem, the school board received a complaint which stated that “boys had keys to the Lincoln school and that they went in and out of the building at all hours of the night, smoking cigarettes. Other members of the board stated that reports had reached them that children were playing on the fire escapes and in the corridors of school buildings; windows at the Englewood school were broken and that young men and girls were seen at late hours in the Grant school.”

Decision So Silly That It Probably Is Very Good Law”read the headline. The Oregon Supreme court held that nuisances cannot be anticipated or prevented. The decision permitted the city of Silverton to construct a sewer system and empty sewage into Silver Creek. The state board of health sought to enjoin the city from using Silver Creek for sewage disposal at it flows through a thickly populated agricultural section where waters are used for watering livestock. The Court ruled that an injunction against a prospective nuisance was improper. The effect was to permit Silverton to build a sewage system to discharge waste into the creek; it could only be prohibited if it did in fact create a nuisance. The County court had granted the injunction in order to “prevent a needless expenditure of money on the part of the city in case the sewer could not be used by the city.”