by Richard van Pelt, WWI Correspondent

From the Oregon Statesman:

A Synopsis of the War Situation

A violent storm has temporarily stopped important military operations along most of the battlefront in Belgium and France. In this territory the positions of the opposing forces remain vitally the same as they have been for weeks past.

In the eastern arena the official reports indicate a similar condition so far as progress by either side is concerned.

Seizure of Neutral Ships Is Cause of Intense Feeling Here.
American Note Present to Grey Today
Proof of Hostile destination of vessel Must Be shown at time of suspect’s Seizure and Ship Can’t Be Diverted to Belligerent Port Unless Such Proof is Forthcoming

. . . The note was not the result, it is understood, of any particular violation by Great Britain of what Washington considers its commerce rights, but was intended as a protest against the general attitude of the British government, to which France has practically adhered in the treatment of neutral cargoes


The United States insists that the facts proving that a hostile destination is intended must be shown at the time of a vessel’s seizure. It claims that the presumption of guilt should not rest on the shipper in neutral commerce, but the that burden of proof should be placed on the. . . . belligerent vessel.