by Richard van Pelt, WWI Correspondent

The headlines and news, and opinion from The Daily Capital Journal:


Paris, Oct. 31. – Unless the allies meet some unexpected reverse, the seat of the French government will be re-transferred from Bordeaux to Paris November 20, it was stated here today on unofficial but reliable authority.

By that a date, it was predicted by General Galleni’s aides, the Germans would have been compelled entirely to evacuate French territory.

Messages from the front were to the effect that the kaiser’s troops have nowhere succeeded in resuming the offensive and that the allies were in many places occupying the trenches which the Germans held a week ago.


There were many indications, it was asserted, that the German soldiers had completely lost heart, discouraged by their frightful losses and their failure to make progress. The number of prisoners the allies were capturing was increasing rapidly.

The desirability of reopening the Paris bourse was under discussion with the British government and financiers and it was expected the exchanges both her, in London and in New York would resume business if a satisfactory agreement could be reached.

The news and opinion in both Salem papers focused on the coming election, which would take place on Monday.