The Epworth League was, and continues to be, Methodist group for young adults.  In this bulletin (M3 1974-041-0027) from an 1897 Conference in Lebanon, Oregon describes a four-day gathering filled with Song Services, Addresses, Devotions, Chapter Reports, lectures, prayer meetings, love feasts, sermons and a consecration service.

Suggestions offered by organizers included:

“All delegates are expected to be prepared to discuss the subjects of the papers.

Each chapter is responsible for the work assigned its members. If one to whom an article is assigned is unable to be present, let the Chapter see that an article is prepared and is presented at the District League.

Reduced rates have been granted over the Southern Pacific Railroad.  Those paying full fare on this road MUST take a receipt from the agent when buying ticket to convention.  On presentation of this receipt, signed by the District Secretary, they will be returned for one-third of the fare.”

District Officers listed included:

S. Margret Geisendorfer, President
Rev. D. Hasler Glass, 1st Vice President
Miss L.L. Culver, 2nd Vice President
Lester G. Hulin, Corresponding Secretary
Aggie Ginn Gould, Recording Secretary
Addie Simpson, Treasurer.